Polná was one of the important Jewish communities. This is where, for example, the Hilsner affair and the Polish Torah were born.


Regionální židovské muzeum – synagoga
Karlovo náměstí 540
58813 Polná
region Jihlava
49.485676, 15.722235Map
Period: summer, winter

The first mention of Jewish settlement in Polná dates back to 1532. At first, they lived somewhat scattered around, but at the end of the 17th century the first ghetto was established between the Jewish cemetery and the designated part of the town. Ten years later it was relocated outside the city to the south-east of the main square.

The new Jewish quarter had sixteen houses with baroque and classicist features. The Jewish town consisted of the square, Rabbi's plaza, the Spa Connecting Lanes, the Side Lane and the Lane Under the Jews. The number of houses grew slowly and sometimes several families shared one dwelling. The biggest damage to the appearance of the quarter was caused by a fire in 1863, and only one house from before this occurrence remains.

The ghetto with its synagogue has been preserved to this day, and thanks to its integral appearance and triangular floor plan, it is one of the most important examples of Jewish monuments in the Czech Republic. There are 32 mostly two-storey houses rebuilt in the modern style, a synagogue and a rabbi's house. The Regional Jewish Museum is located within the museum’s premises.

Photo: Vladimír Kunc
