In the village of Pavlov in the Pelhřimov region there is a small Jewish cemetery located in the direction of Nemojov. Twenty-seven tombstones have been preserved there.


Obec Pavlov
Pavlov 41
39301 Pelhřimov
region Pelhřimov
49.396004, 15.251982Map
Period: summer, winter

One of the smallest Jewish cemeteries in the Czech Republic is located in a stand of trees about 800 metres from the village of Pavlov in the Pelhřimov district. It is estimated that the cemetery was founded at the end of the 18th century.

The first Jews were recorded here in the 1842 census, but they probably arrived at the beginning of the 17th century, when they were expelled from Pelhřimov. 27 simple stelae have survived to this day and they are scattered throughout the cemetery. There was also a Jewish house of prayer in the village and the Jews rented a distillery and ran a hospitality business.

Photo: archive of Vysočina Tourism